When Moshe went to greet G-d in Heaven and asked to receive the Torah, the angels objected, suggesting that the Torah was too holy to descend to the Earth. They thought it should remain “on high”.
But, Moshe rejected this in front of G-d, pointing out that while the angels could learn Torah, they could not live it, nor could they develop themselves through it. They had no parents to honor, no idols to withstand the temptation to serve.
Torah is the most elevated study. But, anyone who studies it also sees that it is only truly learned when it is lived out in our daily actions, and when its wisdom penetrates us to help us become better people with greater resolve, greater discipline, and more refined drives.
The Torah… It broadens the mind… It nourishes the soul… And it builds the self!
By Rabbi Gidon Shoshan, Olami North America