Visit Sao Paulo.
Jan 31-Feb 4.

Registrations have closed. Please stay tuned for upcoming events.

'Oh the places you will go' (Thanks Dr. Seuss).

Our simple 3-step process over the course of 10 weeks enables your time with your mentor to be practical, meaningful and fun.

In the sessions you will cover:

  • Me today: Exploring your identity. Who you are today.
  • Me in the future: Goal setting. Who you want to be. Where do you want to go in life?
  • Guiding my path: What are the values that guide your choices.

Here's how sign-up works

  1. Submit your online application with the $100 membership fee.
  2. Have an interview with a member of our team.
  3. Get accepted into the program.
  4. Find out who your mentor is.
  5. Mentor sessions begin Jan 8, 2023.
  6. Make the most of your ten sessions and attend local meetups.
  7. Attend the Spain Summit – May 15-21.